I was lucky enough to spend a pre-opening weekend at the Ranch at Rock Creek in Montana. www.theranchatrockcreek.com. What a wonderful destination for corporate incentives, family reunions or simply a great 4-5 day getaway-summer or winter.
The brainchild of investment banker Jim, it more than accomplishes it's goal of being the first real luxe dude ranch in Montana. And it isn't all about horses, though their stable of 40+ steeds are there for the taking, up through the wonderful hills that surround the lodge. A picture perfect creek full of cutthroat trout, runs between the main lodge and the tented camp, and all the equipment from waders to flies are there for you to use, as well as personable guides that take the feelings of inadequacy right out of your first fly fishing experience! I even caught one! And I am hooked on it, so to speak.
But it doesn't stop there. The spa awaits, as does the incredibly luxurious great room where everyone gathers for pre dinner drinks around the fire, before dinner in the rustic dining room, which serves a delightful mix of comfort food and sophisticated fare. Just when you think you can't have any more fun, off you go to the full scale bowling alley, with shoes and a bowling ball just right for you, for as many games as you are game to play. We followed that up with a screening of the classic western " The Big Country"! All total escapism and yet simple pleasures. And the staff makes it feel simple, but actually it is a superb mix of casual but 5 star service and western hospitality.
Everything is included in your rate-from cognac after dinner to a private fly fishing lesson. The ultimate luxury-no signing a chit for any activity or intake!
The Ranch was written up this month in Town and Country so check it out at:
I will be back this winter with a follow up on the winter season, at this very special place!